Protecting your data at Interactive Brokers Asset Management

Interactive Brokers Asset Management’s Smarter Investing newsletter and emails have kept you up-to-date on investment developments and have provided trusted industry insights.

As part of our ongoing commitment to transparency, and in preparation for new EU data protection laws that take effect next month, we wanted to give you the opportunity to let us know whether you would like to continue receiving our Smarter Investing newsletter.  

We will be sending an email that will allow you to OPT IN to continue receiving Interactive Brokers Asset Management’s Smarter Investing newsletter.


Your Choice

If you do not click the Opt In button above and confirm your consent at the linked page, you will stop receiving our Smarter Investing newsletter starting on May 25, 2018.  

We hope you have found our newsletter useful and will decide to read it in the future.

Smarter Investing contains market commentary and investing information from a variety of portfolio managers and our staff to help you make informed investing decisions.

Photo Credit: beachmobjellies via Flickr Creative Common